It's a Family Affair

Family plays a large role in “Jack in the Box.” Throughout the book, I talk about how my early family life shaped me, as it does all of us; however, mine was a cautionary tale.

Family is usually relied upon to act as a safety net when life gets turbulent.  Family should be the most important people in your life: your mother, father, and siblings. They provide nurturing love that develops us as children.  

History is full of stories that teach us the importance of family, the wisdom of our elders, the consequences of our choices, the importance of controlling our emotions, the need to recognize our strengths and weaknesses, and the precious commodity of time spent with our loved ones. These stories allow us to pass lessons down to our children and help us become the best versions of ourselves possible. They also allow us to see the world through different perspectives. 

Stephanie Coontz is quoted as saying, “Families change as history changes. There’s no one family form that’s guaranteed to produce successful kids and happiness. And there’s no one family form that’s guaranteed not to.”   

A 2019 article on identified 10,276 different types of households, based on data from a five-year study. This and other studies show that nuclear families are still the norm, but the American family is smaller than it used to be, and multigenerational families are increasing.

We don’t get to choose our family, and it is our children who suffer from negligent, incompetent parenting. No matter the hand you’ve been dealt, your family is the foundation and the four walls that encompass your upbringing.  

Childhood is such a delicate time, and as a parent you must remember: you only get one shot. This is why parents need to learn the techniques, methods, and skills of good parenting. Deciding to be a parent is an extremely important role, one that is challenging, but fulfilling and rewarding. “Winging it,” like many people do, rarely ends well. My childhood is a testament to that.

Learning healthy methods of communicating, interacting, cooperating, understanding, and compromising is essential. If meaningful relationships encompass your everyday life, why not become more proficient and alter your strategy? Why not make your life easier?  Pick up a book and learn how to competently communicate with the most important people around you. Make improving yourself a priority. After all, developing structure certainly couldn’t hurt. 


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