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Jack in the Box
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“My story is a hard one to hear. Yet, with strong will and fortitude, I’ve endured unspeakable challenges and overcome a difficult upbringing. I’d like to clarify that I’m not complaining. I fully recognize so many others have faced far worse trials and moved on successfully. My story is just one of millions.”

Victor Schmitt emerged from the box he was born in, seeking answers to many of life’s questions. In “Jack in the Box” he shares his joys and triumphs, born from the desperation and determination that led him out of a world of dysfunction and depression created by an unstable and abusive childhood and into a life filled with hope and prosperity as an international fashion model. Through his travels he experienced myriad points of view and diverse cultures, shaping his perspective on life, helping him find his own voice and make his own choices and decisions, despite the opinions and beliefs of others. Finding clarity where before there was only chaos and confusion, he found his destiny and a successful career and family life. 

In this book he challenges his readers to ask these same tough questions, providing insight into the steps he took to climb out of the box of self-doubt and narrow mindedness, and to use the answers to empower themselves to give new life to the person they truly desire to be.