The Inspiration Behind the Music

Someone recently asked me to name my three favorite songs. Actually, it would be a real effort for me to list any three songs from any genre because I like many different genres of music. But three songs that resonate with me (besides almost every song from the Beatles) would be “Midnight Rider” by the Allman Brothers, my #1; “Count On Me” by Jefferson Starship, #2; and “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” by Simple Minds, #3.

I grew up listening to music from the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s. The three greatest rock bands of all time, in my mind, are the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and the Rolling Stones. If you were to swap the Stones and Zeppelin, you wouldn’t get any complaints from me, but there will never be another Beatles. Every generation has been introduced to the Beatles for the past 50 years; even today, youngsters jam to the Beat Bugs animated TV series. The music of the Beatles is timeless because the message throughout their songs is universal: love, peace, and togetherness.

Back in a much earlier version of the manuscript for my memoir, Jack in the Box, I had a lengthy discussion about music. Much of the chapter called “The Dance” was left on the cutting room floor, to use a movie analogy, as I went in another direction for the contents. But music was always an integral part of my life and remains so. When a familiar tune sounds, it brings us back to a day, a time, a memory. The three favorites I named were all released between 1970 and 1985, but the memories that come flooding back when I hear any of these songs are so very vivid.

I believe…

  • That music inspires the living, the lovers, the dreamers, and the imaginations of all. It gives hope to the sick, the lonely, the helpless and the weary. Music itself is a heartbeat. It heals as it cultivates life, interaction, and communication.

  • That music embodies eras, preserving cultural, traditional, spiritual and universal ideas. It is diverse, creative, expressive, intense and yet soothing. Its essential role in all societies is pivotal.

  • That music represents an unfathomable, complex world. We incorporate it into our daily routine. We dance to it at weddings, parties and gatherings to establish a “feel good” atmosphere. It consoles us in times of loss and sadness. Melodies operate as entertainment, an escape from reality, emotional expression, communication and therapy.

  • That music embodies life! Its melodies contain sequences of dramatic highs and lows affecting our senses and appealing to our souls. Simply put, music makes us feel. It evokes deep sentiments of happiness and sorrow. Its power reminds us of past experiences, friends, romances and loved ones.

  • That music is the international language – the “religion” for ALL. It does not separate, but rather unites us as one. Music is salvation!

What are YOUR three favorite songs? What does music mean in YOUR life?


My Favorite Ad – Pt. 3


My Favorite Ad - Pt. 1