My Favorite Ad – Pt. 2
When you think back to some of the great advertising slogans of the 20th century, “Where’s the Beef?” has to be near the top of the list. In fact, Advertising Age, the bible of the advertising industry, named it one of the top 10 ad slogans of that century. And the commercial that started it all is on my list of my top three favorite ads.
Former manicurist-turned-actress Clara Peller, an octogenarian, demanded to know where the meat was in her hamburger, creating a memorable line that’s been repeated and parodied ever since it was introduced by Wendy’s in 1984. The collaboration of Wendy’s marketing department with ad agency Dancer Fitzgerald Sample and PR agency Burson-Marsteller created a campaign that bucked the trend of having beautiful young actresses and actors promoting products of all sorts. Peller and two other “golden oldies” were showcased, with Peller barking out her line in a raspy, abrupt fashion that seemed to capture the public’s attention. The commercial – scheduled to run for only a short time – ran 10 weeks initially.
Financially, it was a hit for Wendy’s restaurants, which generated at least 10% more sales in 1984 than the year before. Overall sales increased by 31% worldwide by 1985.
Culturally, it had a life beyond the television. A Nashville songwriter created a hit when he wrote and performed a song with that name. The 1984 Democratic candidates brought it up in TV debates, extending its reach beyond advertising into politics.
And Peller? She made 10 commercials for Wendy’s, appeared on “Saturday Night Live” and lived to be 86.
Watch the video here: